How do you communicate with your students and their parents? With people hardly reading their emails and scarcely taking or returning calls, your options keep reducing.

But you must build great relationships with your students. And you must communicate clearly and timely. So what do you do? You turn to the obvious which is bulk SMS.

Benefits of using bulk sms:

Emergency alerts

SMS makes it easy for institutions to send out mass emergency notifications to staff, faculty, and students instantly. In the event of a safety or crime alert, extreme weather conditions or even a last-minute lecture room change, text message alerts can be sent out to targeted recipients. SMS services make it easy to modify and specify the type, severity, and frequency of events that trigger SMS notifications.

It’s direct

Almost every university or college student owns a mobile phone, making SMS notifications a great way of reaching any student, anywhere, at any time. Text message alerts arrive directly in the inbox and remain as alerts on the recipient’s phone until they are opened. This is unlike email messages which may remain unread for hours or even days.


SMS can be used to remind students about registration, assignment deadlines, closing dates for submissions or times to meet with lecturers for consultations.

It can also be used to tell students or parents when tuition fees are due and so forth. It can also be used by campus libraries to remind when library books students borrowed are due.

Interactive Learning 

Another effective way of using bulk SMS is to help make classes more interactive. Use SMS softwares that allows students to text to screen.

This would allow students to text a message to screen and for students who are shy, this would make them more comfortable. This can lead to a better class discussion because of the anonymity it allows. 

Event updates 

Sometimes you have to deal with last-minute changes when organising a school event, and SMS can help everyone keep up with the changes. For example, if you need to switch times or locations, you can quickly send a group SMS to everyone involved.


In conclusion, educational institutions may effectively connect with students, staff, and parents by using bulk SMS. It offers a number of advantages, including rapid message delivery, economical communication, expanded reach, personalization, and enhanced engagement.

Get to know more about Engage text. We offer complete SMS solutions for your communication needs. 


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